Public Narrative's Jhmira Alexander sits down with Anton Seals Jr., Executive Director of Grow Greater Englewood. Anton’s work is dedicated to service and active engagement through the use of media arts, community organizing, and empowerment to dismantle oppressive systems impacting divested and oppressed communities.
L. Anton Seals Jr., a South Shore Chicago native, is a strong cultural voice of his generation. He is an organizer, entrepreneur, educator, community connector, Impact producer. Anton’s work is dedicated to service and active engagement through the use of media arts, community organizing, and empowerment to dismantle oppressive systems impacting divested and oppressed communities. Anton started Seals360group to focus on audience community engagement, advocacy/policy, and social enterprise development.
Anton is currently the Lead Steward (Executive Director) of Grow Greater Englewood a social enterprise focusing on building an equitable and resilient local food system that fosters protections of vacant land in divested communities and focuses on connecting those residents with community wealth-building opportunities.
Anton was a staff member at the Egan Office for Urban Education and Community Partnership at DePaul University (where he is also an Alumni) training and teaching with a cross-section of small and large organizations, using Asset Based community development (ABCD) Institute, also located at DePaul University Steans Center. Anton is a 2018 Next City Vanguard Fellow and 2010 German Marshall Fellow, connecting local and global voices to create new systems helping solve complex issues around global resource allocation as it relates to the African diaspora position within the United States and Europe.
Anton is one of the founders of the Revival Arts Collective, a group of artists committed to using arts and culture as a catalyst for community redevelopment.